Series (4 Episodes available)
HAYOUN (Jonathan)
Production year:
German, English, French
The history of anti-Semitism is a story of demonization that is deeply intertwined with the societies, countries, and ages where it takes place.
It is the story of anti-Semites, of those who, over time, have made Jews their worst enemies. Indeed, at certain times in their history, societies have had a need for a common enemy to unite or galvanize their people, to divert attention, or to serve as a scapegoat. At other times, Jewish people have happily integrated within the communities where they live.
This series examines the twists and turns of this story, from Antiquity to the modern day, from the shores of the Mediterranean to those of the Volga, and from the Iberian Peninsula to the birch forests of Poland. It will encompass Stalin and Pope John XXIII, Hitler and Alfred Dreyfus, King Louis IX or Saint-Louis as he was subsequently known, and Spinoza; some figures of hatred, others more benevolent characters.
The visual framework of the narrative will comprise both the traces left around the world, and remarkable 3D historical reconstructions created for the video game Assassin's Creed, acting as illustrations from the past, along with photographs and film archives from more recent times. It will draw upon research and analysis carried out by prestigious and respected academics. Eschewing witness testimonies and subjective opinions, it will bring together a wide range of contribution from some 30 historians, psychologists, and psychoanalysts to explore the multiple facets of the phenomenon and how they have evolved over time.
It will focus on specific stories from each era that mark out and illustrate the form of these manifestations of violence and hatred in an enlightening and moving manner. It will also provide context for the fightback against this recurrent phenomenon.
This four-episode series paints a comprehensive picture of this, “the longest hatred”.