  • Provisional Delivery : February 2025
  • Series

  • Director(s):


  • Producer(s):

    SIECLE Productions, ARTE FRANCE

  • Territories:


  • Production year:


  • Language(s):

    German, English, French

  • Rights:


As the 50th anniversary of Franco's death and the 90th anniversary of the Francoist coup near, this story looks back at the war that shook Spain to its core. A war opened in 1936, but never really closed since.

Of the Civil War that tore Spain apart, we generally retain only a few famous images, such as Robert Capa's photographs, Orwell's books, or Picasso's painting Guernica, a symbol of both Nazi barbarism and Franco's dictatorship. Through the poignant testimonies and accounts of people who lived through this tragic period, this documentary delves into the roots of dictatorial regimes to better understand what is at stake today, in Spain as in Europe, in the defense of freedom and democracy. The story is structured around two 52-minute episodes. The first covers the period from 1936 to 1939; the second covers the years from 1939 to 1953, the date of the treaty sealing a cooperation agreement between Spain and the United States.

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